"A easy way to learn to develop robots with Java and leJOS project"
An anonimous reader

"Te felicito ya que cuesta mucho encontrar a personas que se interesen tanto en ayudar y enseñar un poco de lo que saben animo!"
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"Your tutorials are a great help and have helped me get a step closer to my goal"
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Develop leJOS programs Step by Step

In next 10 years, Robotics will become in one of the most helpfully technology for the society. Currently, robotics field is not in a mature phase and it needs new ideas to evolve but this goal is not easy because robotics is a complex science and it has several research lineas as as Localization, Computer vision & Neural Networks for example.

This ebook is a project to spread the knowledge about leJOS project and Java techniques to develop software for robots. This ebook is a live project and every 3-6 months, I will try to update with new ideas and techniques from the projects and the readers.

Enjoy, Learn, Contact with me to improve the eBook and share ideas.

Juan Antonio Breña Moral.

Sony and PRS 505 are brands registered by Sony Corporation.  Java is a brand registered by Sun Microsystems  Lego and Lego Mindstorms NXT are brands registered by Lego